
Dylan's Damage Contracting Blog

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Dylan's Damage Contracting Blog

When disaster strikes, you need to call in the damage contractors. My name is Dylan and I was inspired to start writing the words you are reading here by a recent experience I had. My home was flooded when a drainage pipe burst. The basement, where I keep a lot of valuable things, was completely flooded with dirty water. I knew I had to take action fast so I contacted a local team of damage contractors. They were able to stabilise the flooding by pumping out the water. They then set to work recovering my belongings before drying out the basement.



Latest Posts

House Restumping: A Pivotal Aspect of Home Maintenance
3 November 2023

In the realm of home maintenance, house restumping

3 Main Steps That Go Into Residential Demolition
16 June 2022

Numerous misconceptions surround the residential d

Property Maintenance Tips
17 September 2021

If you manage a commercial or residential complex,

3 Main Benefits of Commercial Underpinning Services for Your Construction
28 September 2020

Constructors are setting up new buildings every da

Signs of Rising Damp in Your Home
19 November 2019

Rising damp troubles many homeowners in Australia.


House Restumping: A Pivotal Aspect of Home Maintenance

In the realm of home maintenance, house restumping stands as a pivotal procedure that safeguards the structural integrity of a dwelling. It's a process that involves replacing or repairing the stumps on which a house is built. Undertaking this task not only ensures the longevity of the property but also enhances its value and safety. Understanding the Need for House Restumping Over time, the stumps of a house can deteriorate due to various factors such as soil movement, termite damage, or general wear and tear. Read More 

3 Main Steps That Go Into Residential Demolition

Numerous misconceptions surround the residential demolition process, which is not surprising when you take into account not many homeowners have ever had to undertake this project. Most commonly, some people believe that the entire project is handled either by wrecking balls or explosives certainly, some demolition projects will necessitate these measures, but you should know this process is not nearly as dramatic as you may think. Instead, the damage contractors you hire for this project will undertake it systematically depending on your preferred goal for the project. Read More 

Property Maintenance Tips

If you manage a commercial or residential complex, property maintenance could be a nerve-wracking affair. More often than not, tenants will keep calling you to inform you about a defective system. This extract offers some valuable tips on how managers can manage a property.  Set Responsibilities One of the greatest property maintenance challenges is the conflict over who should conduct repairs. As the property manager, set clear regulations on the repairs that the property owner covers and those to be handled by the tenants. Read More 

3 Main Benefits of Commercial Underpinning Services for Your Construction

Constructors are setting up new buildings every day. And the good news is that with the latest construction technology in the market, constructors are able to lay a firm foundation for a building. One of the newest construction techniques that establishes a strong foundation is underpinning. While the procedure does not work independently, it is the main foundation procedure that contractors use when laying the foundation. The following are the main benefits of commercial underpinning for any construction. Read More 

Signs of Rising Damp in Your Home

Rising damp troubles many homeowners in Australia. It occurs in almost all types of buildings, and it is therefore not restricted to residential houses. Rising damp affects the walls of buildings, and it happens as a result of underground moisture. You might not readily know that your home has rising damp until the paints of the plaster start to deteriorate. Other warning signs could also signify your house has been affected by rising damp. Read More